One Acre Farm Educational Foundation is a small nonprofit educational farm providing activities, classes and workshops for adults, children, youth, scouts, and homeschoolers. All child and youth activities are open to all children, both neurotypical children and children with autism or other special needs.
We have TWO outdoor Farm School Learning Pods. Early Childhood Farm School for ages 4-6, Elementary Farm School for ages 7-10. Kids Art & Play and Sensory Saturday are monthly activities with outdoor play and animal interactions. Storytime at the Farm is a monthly activity for young children. Throughout the year, we also provide specialized classes. In addition, are specialized actiivities and private family sessions for children with autism through the Strides Autism Program. The farm is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. The farm is open only for planned events and activities. Scroll down for information on upcoming events and activities. |
**Attention** Autism Program Costs and Donations**
We strive to offer these services, free of charge, to families of children with autism. We have a long waiting list of families ready to start our autism programs and we are in need of donations to make this happen for more local families.
Please consider donating to One Acre Farm.
We strive to offer these services, free of charge, to families of children with autism. We have a long waiting list of families ready to start our autism programs and we are in need of donations to make this happen for more local families.
Please consider donating to One Acre Farm.
Bring your pencil and paper to take notes from Catherine, a 30+year homesteading veteran and educator.
Come learn the basics about raising chickens for eggs. Topics of discussion include types of housing, types of feed, pros and cons of free ranging, various breeds from good egg layers to dual purpose, and more!
We will have a limited supply of pullet chicks (female chickens) available for purchase for attendees only. There will be a max amount per family to make sure everyone has an opportunity to purchase. If not all families purchase, then more can be had for those that do want to purchase chicks.
If you plan to purchase chicks, bring your own container to take them home.
Children must be supervised at all times.
Deadline to sign up is Mon Apr 14th
Are you a homeschooler and need ideas on improving your lesson plans snd your child's learning?
Are you a teacher and need ideas on making interactive group and individualized learning activities?
Are you a parent of a child with autism and need ideas on how to help your child learn and self-regulate?
Are you a therapist and need ideas on including movement and improving your sessions?
Movement Method is the optimal way to simultaneously learn, sooth the nervous system and build a whole new brain. We teach you how to create the right human and physical environment for learning, how neuro-psychiatric conditions are a continuum, not just a spectrum – meaning where your brain is now, is not where it will be once you use the Method; the building of skills becomes a snowball to achievement.
Catherine is a 9+ year certified Movement Method provider and trainer, a 30+ year Texas certified teacher and educator and a 26+ year outdoor educator.
Come learn the science behind unlocking better learning and get ideas on how to implement yourself. |
One Acre Farm is the pick up location for
Blue Cow Farm products. Facebook page Membership https://blue-cow-farm.locallin... Blue Cow Farm is a small family homestead in Splendora, TX seeking to provide the local community with fresh and healthy products straight from their backyard and other local farms! They only keep cows with A2/A2 genetics, so all the milk is A2! (Blue Cow Farm is a Private Membership Association and only sells to its members - they are not open to the public!) OUR FARM FRESH EGGS ARE ALSO NOW SOLD THROUGH BLUE COW FARM'S PRIVATE MEMBERSHIP ASSOC. |
Scroll through the tabs across the top for more information and details.